Worship Services begin at 10:30 am in the meetinghouse.

Services can also be accessed online at Zoom Meeting ID 155 025 783

Masking is optional for all Worship services,  Religious Education and other congregational programming.  For those who choose to wear a mask in worship, you are welcomed and encouraged to do so and to find a place in the meetinghouse that offers more social distance if that is preferable. 

Ablaze, But Not Consumed

In an election year, we often succumb to the fallacy that our struggles for the just and the good are a sprint to November, rather than the journey of a lifetime. How do we maintain spiritual resilience in difficult times—and how do we sustain our … read more.

Wayfaring Strangers, Wayfaring Friends

Recently returned from a pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago in Spain, Rev. Hardies invites us to reflect this Sunday on what it means to think of our own spiritual life as a kind of  pilgrimage—a sacred journey through lands familiar and unfamiliar. A journey that … read more.