Tuesday Meals Program

In 1987, responding to a growing need for hunger relief programs, a coalition of Cambridge churches committed themselves to offering a meal to those in need every night of the week; First Parish in Cambridge was chosen to provide a meal on Tuesdays. What started as a group of First Parish members making a meal to serve 15 men and women on Tuesday evenings has evolved into a program serving 80 to 150 people each week with a number of professional staff and drawing on volunteers from all over the Greater Boston Area.
The mission of the Tuesday Meals Program is to offer warm hospitality and an evening meal in a safe, dignified environment to anyone in need of nourishment.
We serve a meal each Tuesday from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Volunteers are needed for soup making, cookie baking, meal service and clean up. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to [email protected]