Associating prayer with the mundane activities of our lives
helps keep us mindful and brings spirituality to our everyday life.

Prayer before Shopping

Thank You, Spirit, for all Your gifts.
For bestowing upon us the necessary food and things of daily use.
Do not let material possessions separate us from You,
the Supreme Good.

Open our hearts to Your love, which You show to us through the closeness of our fellow humans and the beauty of Your creation.

Free us from attachment to the things we possess and enable us to share sacrificially with those who have less than us.
Teach us to be content with what is necessary.
Protect us from greed, avarice, and waste.
May our daily choices serve to achieve justice in the world,
not exploitation of the planet and its poor.

We ask for the needed wisdom, sensitive hearts, and the virtue of moderation, so that when we purchase goods we are guided not only by our own benefit, but by concern for the common good, the rights of workers, the proper treatment of animals, and the consequences for the environment.

Help us always to remember that You are our highest Good, and all that we have we owe to You.

—- Originally written in Polish by Małgorzata Rzym, Laudato Si’ Animator, Warsaw, Poland


Laudato Si’ Movement Prayer Book (2019)
This collection of prayers serves to lift up all who seek to care for our common home, whether in personal contemplation or shared reflection.
There are prayers for gatherings, prayers for retreats, prayers for protests, prayers for the hours of the days and seasons of the year, and so much more.