Speaker: Rev. Rob Hardies

Want What You Have

“This could be our revolution,” writes Alice Walker, “to love what is plentiful as much as what is scarce.” Rather than strive for more, how can we learn to live content with the many gifts we’ve already been given?

Video Link to the sermon.


The winter holidays are often referred to as “the season of light,” a time when we light candles in the dark. One of the greatest gifts our Unitarian Universalist faith has given me is the ability to experience the world as luminous, brilliantly shining, lit … read more.

Getting Ready to Forgive

We all know that forgiveness is a virtue (forgiving ourselves, forgiving others). But what happens when we’re not yet ready to forgive? How do we prepare our hearts for forgiveness?

Video Link to the sermon

Learning How to Love Better

Someone recently observed that American society is “a culture where everything is permitted and nothing is forgiven.” A culture that simultaneously tolerates outrageous and unethical behavior, while also “cancelling” people and calling them out. The religious practice of covenantal living, a practice at the heart … read more.

Works in Progress

Not too long ago I was driving through the city and came upon some road work. A sign by the side of the road read: “Construction Underway. Pardon Our Mess.” I had to laugh. Sometimes I wish I could wear a sign like that! As … read more.