Speaker: Rev. Rob Hardies

The Sound of Silence: Simple Gifts I

The first in a three-sermon holiday series called “Simple Gifts” that focuses successively on the spiritual gifts of silence, breath, and darkness. We often think of silence as an absence—the absence of noise. Yet silence can be filled with holy presence. The mystic Meister Eckhart … read more.

We’ll Be All Human Yet

Reflecting on the state of our world, one religious leader recently lamented: “It’s hard to be human these days.” How do we claim the fullness of our lives, our love, and our humanity in times of violence, polarization and fear. Join Rev. Hardies and a … read more.

Slings and Arrows

Pain and suffering are an inevitable part of life. None of us can avoid what William Shakespeare called “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” But sometimes we compound our suffering by the way we respond to it, and by the stories we tell ourselves … read more.

This Day Has More to Give You

Many of us carry around anger and resentment from past harm. Harboring such sentiments can feel like a form of justice—giving our pain its due. But what if our resentment is just inflicting more pain on us? How can we embrace the freedom that comes … read more.

Beginner’s Mind

Homecoming Sunday

The great Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki once wrote, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are few.” As we begin a new church year and a new academic year, how can a beginner’s mind help us create new … read more.

Faithful Questions in Difficult Times

Reflecting on the state of our world, one religious leader recently commented: “It’s hard to be human these days.” What are the urgent spiritual, moral, ethical, and religious questions that are on your heart as you wrestle with what it means to be human in these difficult … read more.