Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen

Teaching Life

Spoken word artist and human rights activist Rafeef Ziadah’s poem “We teach life, sir” has become a call to affirm life amidst devastation. What does it look like to teach life when there is so much death? Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen preaches.

Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen is a … read more.

What we sow and what we reap

The work of justice is so often about planting what we don’t know if we’ll reap. We’ll explore how resistance of the spirit and heart to injustice can be the seeds we plant, even if we’re not sure what will grow. 

Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Mark David Buckles and other members of Sanctuary Boston, along with Katie McQuage-Loukas will … read more.

Love That Lets Go

There is so much going on in the big and little picture of our lives. We do not know how it all turns out. Many things are very hard and many things are possible. We’ll explore how love can be the gravity that guides us as we … read more.

In Devotion Spirit Found Us

“In devotion spirit found us,” says the song. Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen has historically been skeptical of devotional practices – who is telling me I need to pray/sing/meditate/move when I may not want to! But it turns out that in regular, steady, disciplined practices to the … read more.