Service with UU Church of Reading, MA – “Lessons from a Service Dog” – October 17th at 10:00 am.

Join us this Sunday as we are welcomed by the UU Church of Reading for their livestream Sunday morning service at 10:00 am. You can join this service by logging into the UU Church of Reading YouTube Channel just prior to 10:00 am.

The last two years have brought unprecedented challenges, and introduced many helpers. This is an invitation to rest in and learn from our four legged friends who have been professional helpers during this time. Guest Minister Ali Jablonski will lead the service. Ali is the Director of Spiritual Care at Tufts Medical Center, where she also works as an interfaith chaplain on intensive care units. Ali is grateful that everyday her ministry deepens her understanding of love. The pandemic has forced Ali to reschedule her ordination 3 times and she is now hoping it will be safe to gather for this day in June.

A reminder there is not an 11:00 am Zoom chat this morning. Please consider joining our In-Person gathering on Cambridge Common from Noon to 2:00 pm. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED – Register Here.