Loved Into Being – A Stewardship Service from the UUA

This week First Parish offers this full-length worship experience featuring a sermon by UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, as well as vibrant music, storytelling, and other worship elements that will help us to grow in spirit, in courage, and in generosity. Join us for this Stewardship Adventure.

Worship leaders include Rev. Chris Long and Rev. Mariela Pérez-Simons. UUA leaders in the service are Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, Rev. Erika Hewitt, and Rev. Vail Weller. The Music Director for this service is Jen Hayman.

Follow this link for the service.

Also, all are welcome at our Sunday Morning Chat on Zoom at 11:00 am on Sunday. MEETING ID: 155 025 783. This week, Worship Associate Jennie Fitch will lead the discussion.