Mission and Covenant
Our Mission
Awakened by worship, nourished by tradition, and united by love, we strive to create a multicultural, spirit-filled community that works for justice, fosters spiritual curiosity and faith formation, shares joy, heals brokenness, and celebrates the sacred in all.
We welcome people of all beliefs, ages, classes, colors, ethnicities, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities and expressions.
Our Covenant
In covenant with one another
and all we hold sacred
we answer the call of love.
Welcoming all people into the celebration of life,
searching for truth and meaning
and striving for justice and compassion.
To nourish and serve each other,
our community and our world.
Adopted by vote of the congregation November 9, 2003.
Nuestro Convenio
En convenio mutuo
y con todo lo que consideramos sagrado,
respondiendo al llamado del amor,
invitamos a todos a la celebración de la vida,
buscamos la verdad y el sentido del ser,
y nos esforzamos para alcanzar la justicia
y la compasión, para apoyarnos y servirnos mutuamente,
a nuestra comunidad y a nuestro mundo.
Adoptado por voto de la congregación el 9 de Noviembre del 2003.
Traducido por Lilia Cuervo.